Community Circulators are bus loops that help residents get to important places like grocery stores, clinics/hospitals, restaurants, banks, and businesses. On demand stops within a short distance of the regular route can be requested.
These services run during limited days and hours. Pick-up/drop-off is curb-to-curb. They are for everyone (all vehicles are ADA accessible).
Listed below are some other transportation options in Washington County. Inclusion in this listing is not intended nor does it confer any specific recommendations for services on behalf of Washington County.
Community Thread, a local nonprofit, connects older adults and individuals with disabilities to volunteers through its Thrive program (service guidelines apply). Click here for information about Thrive and volunteer drivers. If you would like learn more about how you can serve older adults in your community by becoming a volunteer driver, contact Community Thread at 651-439-7434 or click here.
Community Thread also provides a “Transportation Resources” list.
Metro Vanpool is a regional program, subsidized by the Metropolitan Council, to help meet the commuting needs of commuters who reside or work in the seven-county metropolitan area. Vanpools have five to 15 people sharing the ride to and from work an average of three or more days a week.
Ride-hail drivers use their own vehicles to provide trips. Accessibility is not guaranteed. Passengers use a smartphone app to request and pay for rides. Alphabetical list of some of the ride-hail services operating in the county: